BCHI State BOD Meeting - Jerome Idaho 9/21/24 pick up new calendars at the meeting

September 21, 2024

State BOD Meeting - pick up new calendars at the meeting

DATE:       Saturday Sept. 21, 2024
LOCATION:   El Sombrero Restaurant - Banquet Room
    143 W Main Street
    Jerome, ID 83338

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS:      Best Western Sawtooth Inn & Suites
         2653 S. Lincoln Ave.
         Jerome, ID 83338
A small block of rooms have reserved for Friday and Saturday. Room rate will be $139.99 plus applicable taxes.

We were able to secure the banquet room from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. A taco bar style lunch will be available for $20.00 per person so we will need a head count the week before if possible.

If anyone has questions, they may contact Holly Imbach at hitcatsgalore@gmail.com, prior to the meeting. On the day of the meeting they can reach out to Jim Pierce at 208-731-6578.

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