BCHI Calendar

Events in September 2022

  • BCHI State Board Meeting Priest River Idaho

    BCHI State Board Meeting Priest River Idaho

    All day
    September 10, 2022

    Meeting Flyer info

    8 am PDT coffee, Breakfast, refreshment and greeting
    8:30 am meeting call to order

    Hosted by Priest River BCH - no cost to attendees.

    Lodging - only lodging in town is the Eagle's Nest Motel 208-428-2000 on line option room pricing from $110

    Member Bob Savage invites folks to camp in his pasture with RVs & horses  - 208-48-2457

    The Pee Wee Campground is 7 miles from town.

  • PANHANDLE BCH Monthly Meeting

    PANHANDLE BCH Monthly Meeting

    September 17, 2022

    April thru September  Dalton Gardens City Hall 6360 North Fourth Street SE Corner Hanley & 4th St Roundabout 3rd Wednesday of the month   6:30 pm socialize   7:00 pm Meeting
    October thru March Same Place  Dalton Gardens City Hall SE Corner 4th & Hanle  different day Saturday call for time.

    More information

  • PANHANDLE BCH Monthly Meeting

    PANHANDLE BCH Monthly Meeting

    September 21, 2022

    Socializing at 6:30
    Meetings at 7:00

    Dalton Gardens City Hall
    6360 North Fourth Street
    On the southeast corner of the Hanley
    & 4th St Roundabout
    Dalton Gardens, ID 

    Chapter meetings are third Wednesday of each month
    through September
    and the third Saturday of the month
    October to March.

    More information

click on image for link to purchase

The most current 3 issues are located here.  If you want an older copy, you can email the Broomtales editor newsletter-editor@bchi.org.

2026 Calendar Submissions Due December 2024


Back Country Horsemen of Idaho funds the state organization by collecting money raised by chapter dues and the sale of high quality raffle calendars. Calendar photos are submitted by BCH chapter members and a subset is selected for inclusion in the annual raffle calendar. Please participate and submit as many as you like. Please download and complete the Calendar Photo Submission Form.

Calendar Criteria for Full Page Photos
  • Must be of BCHI members, taken by a BCHI member or taken for BCHI.
  • Can be taken in any state, but the cover photo will be selected from Idaho submissions.
  • Must have a horse/mule in the shot or  be a work project with members wearing safety gear: hard hat, safety glasses/goggles, ear protection, gloves, leather boots, long sleeves, pants, chainsaw chaps.
  • Heads and faces are preferred over tails and backs.
  • Kids photos welcome. If using saws they must have safety gear on.
  • Do not resubmit photos that have been used in previous calendars.
  • Photos are placed by seasons – winter, spring, summer and fall
  • Please submit as many photos as you wish on CD, DVD or USB drive. NO PRINTS. USB drives will be mailed back to you after the calendars are printed . If you want your CD/DVD back please let me know.
  • Photos need to be in JPEG Format. Set your digital cameras to the highest size/resolution settings possible.
  • If you only have a few photos or no way to burn them to CD or a USB drive, you can e‐mail them.




Congratulations to Our 2024  Raffle

Calendar Winners!

Grand  Prize – $3000 Gift Card
 Mary Ann Shaff, Heyburn, ID 83336

Below Are the Winners of $500 Gift Cards



1. Karen French, Salmon, ID 83467

2. Barb Recla, Meridian, ID 83642

3. Elizabeth Walker, Athol, ID 83801

4. Panhandle BCH, Hayden ID 83835

5. Cini Baumhoff, Boise, ID 83713

6. Ron Beitelspacher, Grangeville, ID 83530

7. Donald B Kleint, Donnelly, ID 83615

8. Kathy Fritschle, Donnelly, ID 83615

9. Portneuf River BCH, Pocatello, ID 83204

10. Kimberly Bartholomew, Kamiah, ID 83536

11. Cindy Worth, Grangeville, ID 83530